Pre-Concert "Insights"

• Learn more about the Music •

Go In-Depth on Baroque and Dig into Historically Informed Performance!

45 minutes prior to our "Discovery Series" performances, ticket holders can enjoy a free and informative lecture given by ABS musicians. 

Steven Lehning

Pre-Concert "Insights"

STEVEN LEHNING (violone & contrabass) was attending Pacific Lutheran University as an undergraduate when he stumbled upon a used bookstore that had a nearly complete collection of the Bach-Gesellschaft edition of Bach Cantatas in mini-score; each for only a nickel! Finding these while taking a class in Lutheran theology set him on a trajectory that prepared him to eventually become one of the founding members of the American Bach Soloists.

A remarkable and versatile musician who is equally at home with violas da gamba, violones, contrabass, and historical keyboards, he has worked with many of the luminaries of the early music world including Jeffrey Thomas, John Butt, Andrew Parrott, and Ton Koopman. He has performed at the acclaimed Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, as well as the Early Music Festivals in Boston and Berkeley. After finishing his undergraduate degree and while waiting to see what performances might come his way, he worked as an apprentice learning the art of French bread and pastry. Always curious about the entirety of the world from which the music he plays originated, he dove into many aspects of early music.

In addition to performing with American Bach, he is their Operations Director and Librarian, and he tunes harpsichords and organs for rehearsals and performances. On the scholarship side, he has pursued graduate studies in musicology at the University of California, Davis. Steve has recorded on the American Bach Soloists, Delos, EMI, Harmonia Mundi, and Koch Labels.


182 Howard Street, #536
San Francisco, CA 94105


Phone: +1 (415) 621 7900 
Fax: +1 (415) 621 7920